Cluster lifecycle

sxcm commands

Listing the clusters

List the available cluster

Param mandatory Content
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# List the available cluster
sxcm list

Change active cluster

Change the active cluster to a new one.

Param mandatory Content
mycluster yes The name of the cluster to make active
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# Make the mycluster the new active cluster
sxcm switch mycluster
# Alias of the previous command
sxcm current mycluster

Get cluster detail

Get information about the given cluster. If none given, use the active cluster.

Param mandatory Content
mycluster yes The name of the cluster to make active
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# Read the mycluster information
sxcm info mycluster
# Read the information of the currently active cluster
sxcm info

Creating a cluster

New cluster

Create a new cluster and record it to the gitOps repository.

Param mandatory Content
mycluster yes The name of the cluster to create
profile no The name of the profile to use. Use the default prfile if not set
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# Create the mycluster cluster based on the default profile
sxcm create mycluster
# Create the mycluster cluster based on the micro profile
sxcm create mycluster micro

Importing a cluster

Import an existing cluster defined in the gitops repository into a locally managed cluster. This command preserve the cluster state and allow you to share cluster state across various sxcm instance.

Param mandatory Content
mycluster yes The name of the cluster to import
myclusterbranch no The name of the remote branch to use. Use the cluster name if not set
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# Import the cluster named mycluster from the mycluster remote branch
sxcm import mycluster
# Import the cluster named mycluster using the myclusterbranch branch stored into the cluster git repository as model.
sxcm import mycluster myclusterbranch

Cloning a cluster

Clone an existing cluster defined in the gitops repository into a locally managed cluster. this command alter the cluster state and create a new cluser instance ready to be deployed.

Param mandatory Content
mycluster yes The name of the cluster to clone
myclustermodel no The name of the cluster model to use. Use the active cluster if not set
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# Create the mycluster cluster based on the current active cluster
sxcm clone myclusternew
# Create the myclusternew cluster based on the mycluster cluster
sxcm clone myclusternew mycluster

Deploying a cluster

Deploy a locally managed cluster. this command alter the cluster state and record it change into the gitops repository.

Param mandatory Content
mycluster yes The name of the cluster to deploy
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# Deploy the current active cluster
sxcm deploy
# Deploy the mycluster cluster
sxcm deploy mycluster

Updating the cluster


Connect oc and kubectl client to the given cluster. This command use cluster credentials to connect to the given cluster,

# Connect the current active cluster
sxcm connect
# Connect the mycluster cluster
sxcm connect mycluster
# Test connection to this cluster
oc get nodes


Edit a locally managed cluster. this command alter the cluster state and record it change into the gitops repository.

Param mandatory Content
mycluster yes The name of the cluster to update
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# Update the current active cluster
sxcm edit
# Update the mycluster cluster
sxcm edit mycluster

Cluster resource

To associate / dissociate or enable / disable a cluster resource, you can follow to the cluster resource interaction with cluster.

Exporting the cluster

Export an existing cluster defined locally into the gitops repository. This command preserve the cluster state and allow you to share cluster state across various sxcm instance.

Param mandatory Content
mycluster yes The name of the cluster to export
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# Export all change to the cluster into the gitops remote branch
sxcm export mycluster

Terminating the cluster

Destroy a cluster

Destroy a locally managed cluster. this command alter the cluster state and record it change into the gitops repository.

Param mandatory Content
mycluster yes The name of the cluster to destroy
help no Get the manpage of this command
# Destroy the current active cluster
sxcm destroy
# Destroy the mycluster cluster
sxcm destroy mycluster

Delete a cluster

Delete a cluster locally.

Param mandatory Content
mycluster yes The name of the cluster to delete
help no Get the manpage of this command
# Delete the current active cluster
sxcm delete
# Delete the mycluster cluster
sxcm delete mycluster

Remove gitops trace

Go to your private gitops and remove useless branch.