

The sxcm installer must be executed under Red Hat like distribution (fedora, centos, rhel). It must be run by a user with privilegied permissions. (If not root user, will use sudo for privilegied commands).

Client install


If you run on a supported plateform and meet the requirements, you can run the following command.

source <(curl -s

Client Setup

Command used to configure the sxcm environment. Will be setup one time for new sxcm users.

# setup the sxcm environment (gitops, aws and redhat)
sxcm setup

Gitops repository

Gitops setup is a fundamental step when configuring sxcm enviroment. It allow you to personnalize the credentials and backend (gitops) used for cluster management.

# setup the sxcm git environment (interactive)
sxcm setup git
# setup the sxcm git environment stable release (static)
sxcm setup git stable username password

Redhat credentials

Redhat setup is a fundamental step when configuring sxcm enviroment. It allow you to personnalize the credentials and backend (redhat) used for cluster management.

# setup the sxcm redhat environment (interactive)
sxcm setup rhn
# setup the sxcm redhat environment (static)
sxcm setup rhn username password email pullSecret credentials

Dockerhub setup is an optionnal step when configuring sxcm enviroment. It allow you to use personnalized credentials to access dockerhub registry (restricted anonymous access is a pain ;()).

# setup the sxcm dockerhub environment (interactive)
sxcm setup docker
# setup the sxcm dockerhub environment (static)
sxcm setup docker username password credentials setup is an optionnal step when configuring sxcm enviroment. It allow you to use personnalized credentials to access registry (no restricted anonymous acces). Used when publishing builded images.

# setup the sxcm dockerhub environment (interactive)
sxcm setup quay
# setup the sxcm dockerhub environment (static)
sxcm setup quay username password

Aws credentials

AWS setup is a fundamental step when configuring sxcm enviroment. It allow you to personnalize the credentials and backend (AWS) used for cluster management.

# setup the sxcm redhat environment (interactive)
sxcm setup aws
# setup the sxcm redhat environment (static)
sxcm setup aws accessId accessKey dcName

Client test

Check to see if your sxcm environment is properly defined.

# get the list of the defined cluster
sxcm list

Quick start

Check to see if your sxcm environment is properly defined.

# get the list of the defined cluster
sxcm list