Cluster resources

sxcm resources

A cluster resource is a group of service (mostly operator-based) or configuration to apply to deployed clusters. With exception of the argocd-x cluster resource, all other cluster resources are based on openshift template deploying argocd application or bash script executing oc or kubectl commands.

cluster resource could be shared, meaning stored into the /usr/share/sxcm/resources directory, or local meaning stored into the ~/.sxcm/resources directory. all the following resource are shared resource and could be cloned to be adapted.

Profile Kind Purpose
argocd-project Core Continious delivery project and operator
argocd-deploy Core Continious delivery instance
auth Config Configure user and group authentification
console Config Configure interface tunning
infra Config Various cluster-internal configurations
machine Config Various cluster-external configurations
rbac Config RBAC configuration related to the auth group and users
storage Config Default dynamic-provisionned storage
3scale Service API management support
acm Service multi-cluster management support
couchbase Service Manage NoSQL database support
istio Service Manage service-mesh support
knative Service Manage serverless support
kubevirt Service Manage virtualisation support
logging Service Manage aggregating logging stack
metering Service Manage chargeback reports
ocs Service Manage converged storage service
pipeline Service Manage pipeline support
quay Service Manage Quay enterprise registry service
quaysec Service Scan on the running images in your cluster
sso Service Manage SSO backend
vault Service Manage Hashicorp Vault backend
workspaces Service Manage Eclipse Che IDE Environment

Read commands

This group of command are readonly command available for micro and macro information of the cluster resources installed into your environment (shared or personnal)

List availables

List available cluster configurations

Param mandatory Content
help no Get the manpage of this command
# List the cluster resource description found locally (both shared and personal)
sxcm resources
# Alias of the previous command
sxcm resource list

Read information

Get information about a cluster resource.

Could be a resource stored into the sxcm cluster resource stack, or the personal cluster resource stack.

Param mandatory Content
myresource yes The name of the resource to search
help no Get the manpage of this command
# Read information about the cluster resource version installed into your host (local)
sxcm resource info myresource

Write commands

This group of command have impact on the personal cluster resource stack and resource stored into this directory. Shared cluster resource are not manage using this group of command.


Add a new cluster resource to the local cluster resource stack.

The file could be local, or remote and should be a single yaml file. This file will be copied into the personal cluster resource stack with a name coresponding to the choosed one.

Fail if name already exist or if file could not be found.

Param mandatory Content
myresource yes The name of the resource to create
filepath yes The path to the cluster resource file to load. Could be a local or remote file
help no Get the manpage of this command
# Create a resource named myresource, with content from the local file myresource.yml, in your personal resource stack
sxcm resource create myresource ./myresource.yml
# Create a resource named myresource, with content from the remote file, in your personal resource stack
sxcm resource create myresource


Edit a cluster resource and commit change to the remote gitops repository.

Be carefull when editing a deployed cluster as several fields (network, labels, sshkeys, instance type) are readonly. Use this command prior to deploying the cluster.

Param mandatory Content
myresource yes The name of the resource to edit
help no Get the manpage of this command
# Edit the myresource, and record change into the gitops repository
sxcm resource edit myresource


Remove a cluster resource from the local cluster resource stack. If cluster is deployed, you should destroy it first.

Param mandatory Content
myresource yes The name of the resource to delete
help no Get the manpage of this command
# Remove the myresource from the personal cluster resource stack
sxcm resource delete myresource

Cluster interaction commands

This group of command have impat on the cluster instances and resource stored into it. According to your cluster state (deployed or not), some command may be more usefull.

Associate / Dissociate

Add or remove a cluster resource into a cluster resource list and push it to gitops repository. If no cluster name is given, the currently active cluster will be used.

This command is mostly intended to use when your cluster is not deployed. If your cluster is deployed, no change will happen into the running cluster, change will be performed when

  • deploy the defined cluster sxcm deploy mycluster
  • editing a change to the cluster using sxcm edit mycluster
  • enable the cluster resource into the cluster using sxcm resource enable myresource mycluster
Param mandatory Content
myresource yes The name of the resource to associate or dissociate
mycluster no The name of the cluster impacted by this command. Default is the active cluster
help no Get the manpage of this command
# Associate this cluster resource to the cluster mycluster (runable resource)
sxcm resource associate myresource mycluster
# Dissociate this cluster resource from the cluster mycluster (removable resource)
sxcm resource dissociate myresource mycluster

Enable / Disable

Add or remove a cluster resource into a cluster resource list, apply it into a deployed cluster and push it to gitops repository. If no cluster name is given, the currently active cluster will be used.

This command is mostly intended to use when your cluster is deployed. If your cluster is not deployed, change will be performed when you will deploy the defined cluster using sxcm deploy mycluster command.

Param mandatory Content
myresource yes The name of the resource to enable or disable
mycluster no The name of the cluster impacted by this command. Default is the active cluster
help no Get the manpage of this command
# Enable this cluster resource to the cluster mycluster (running resource)
sxcm resource enable myresource mycluster
# Disable this cluster resource from the cluster mycluster (removed resource)
sxcm resource disable myresource mycluster