

# get an updated system
yum update -y && yum clean all
# install system dependencies
yum install ansible yq helm oc -y

Client install


If you run on a supported plateform and meet the requirements, you can run the following command.

source <(curl -s

Client Setup

Command used to configure the sxcm environment. Will be setup one time for new sxcm users.

# setup the sxcm environment (gitops, aws and redhat)
sxcm setup

Gitops repository

Gitops setup is a fundamental step when configuring sxcm enviroment. It allow you to personnalize the credentials and backend (gitops) used for cluster management.

# setup the sxcm git environment (interactive)
sxcm setup git
# setup the sxcm git environment stable release (static)
sxcm setup git stable username password

Redhat credentials

Redhat setup is a fundamental step when configuring sxcm enviroment. It allow you to personnalize the credentials and backend (redhat) used for cluster management.

# setup the sxcm redhat environment (interactive)
sxcm setup redhat
# setup the sxcm redhat environment (static)
sxcm setup redhat username password email pullSecret

Aws credentials

AWS setup is a fundamental step when configuring sxcm enviroment. It allow you to personnalize the credentials and backend (AWS) used for cluster management.

# setup the sxcm redhat environment (interactive)
sxcm setup aws
# setup the sxcm redhat environment (static)
sxcm setup aws accessId accessKey dcName

Client test

Check to see if your sxcm environment is properly defined.

# get the list of the defined cluster
sxcm list