startx cluster manager (sxcm)

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STARTX Openshift installer for various infrastructure configuration deployed under an AWS account.


The main goal of this tool is to help you build gickly and efficiently a cloud infrastructure that ca drive your containerized workloads. If you have a good knowledge in Openshift structucture and how helm chart are managed by ArgoCD infrastructure, you should easilly perform the addaptations required to addapt this toold to your needs.


  • sxcm exist to perform days one and day two operation, no more. Cluster lifecycle and operationnal task are out of it scope
  • sxcm is only build and supported for AWS infrstructure backend. Even if experienced user can build it install-openshift,yaml file on top of another infrstructure provider (kvm, openstack, azure, gcp, vmware), only AWS backend are supported at this time.
  • sxcm use extensivly the startx helm-repository resources. Read more in theses resources and how argoCD use it to know how to addapt this tools.
  • All sxcm components (with exception of the argocd-xxx cluster resources), are managed using argoCD Application resource deployed under the startx-argocd namespace. You can follow the sxcm configuration applyed by running oc get application -n startx-argocd


sxcm architecture



A profile is a cluster configuration with the following characteristics :

  • A datacenter (e.g. eu-west-3)
  • A master and worker compute number of replicas (e.g. 3)
  • A master and worker compute profile (e.g. t3a.large)
  • A master and worker storage profile (e.g. 50Go gp2)
  • A series of AWS labels to apply to nodes (e.g. profile, environment, projectOwner, ...)
  • pullSecret, sshKey and clustername will be dymamically pushed by sxcm command
  • A list of cluster resource to apply to the instanciated cluster

Cluster instance

A cluster instance is a named cluster based on a profile (created with the sxcm create) and ready to be (or already), deployed using the sxcm deploy command.

When creating a cluster, a dedicated branch is created under the gitops repository to store the cluster state. A new install-openshift.yaml file is created and all files describing the targeted cluster are recorded and change tracked.

When importing a cluster, a branch recorded under the gitops repository is imported to the cluster stack. All cluster stated are locally imported and you can manage the cluster from your sxcm environment.

When clonning a cluster, a new branch is created under the gitops repository to store the cluster state. A copy of the source cluster instance is performed and reverted to a configured state.

When you change the cluster state (deploy, destroy, enable, disable, edit), state change are reflected into the files, and all this content will be versionned and pushed into your remote gitops repository. Change will be applyed to the running cluster if command is intrusive (e.g. deploy, destroy, enable). If you enable or disable cluster resource on your cluster, change are reflected under your configurations files, recorded into the gitops respository and applyed to the running cluster.

Cluster stack

The cluster stack is the local clusters list configured into your local sxcm host. Each host user have it own cluster stack witch store cluster instance created, imported or cloned into its environement.

When creating, clonning or importing a cluster, a local copy of all the gitops repository content is stored. All files describing the targeted cluster state are available and shared among users.

Cluster stack is local (each host have it own sxcm installation) and personnal (each user have it own cluster stack). When cluster instance declared into a cluster stack are imported, the cluster state is shared among multiple users by the gitOps repository and multiple git users can manage the same cluster.

Cluster infrastructure

Each cluster instance represent a deployable (or deployed) openshift cluster running under the AWS public infrastructure. The cluster infrastructure is the bunch of cloud ressources required to instanciate the cluster instance and make it live.

Only cluster instance in the deployed state have a cluster infrastructure associated to it state.

Cluster resource

A cluster ressource is a kuberetes list of ressource used to configure the cluster and services running into it. Appart the argocd-project and argocd-deploy all operator are based on openshift template deploying argocd application or bash script executing oc or kubectl commands.

These argoCD applications applyed various cluster configuration or deploy new cluster resources (mostly with operators). The sxcm cluster resource use extensively the startx helm-repository wrapped using various argoCD application acting as an intermediate between the cluster state and this helm chart.

More information about cluster resource can be found by eading the cluster resource manual witch provide so good example on how to use cluster resources.

Gitops repository

A gitops repository is a git repository linked to the cluster instance declared in your cluster stack and tracking all change to you cluster state. This state could be shared among various git user and sxcm installation if you used sxcm import on a deployed cluster.

The gitops repository is here to share, track changes and act as a reference for all change relative to a given cluster instance. Each cluster instance must belong to a gitops repository branch whatever the command used for construction (clone, import or create).

ArgoCD or Kubernetes resource

cluster resource, with exception of the argocd-project and argocd-deploy, are based on openshift template deploying argocd application or bash script executing oc or kubectl commands.

All these commands produce creation of multiple kubernetes resource that you can monitor globally with : - oc get application -n startx-argocd to get all application - go to https://startx-server-startx-argocd.apps.<mycluster> - oc get pod --all-namespaces to see what is deployed into your cluster

Active cluster

The cluster stack store the local clusters list. active cluster is the currently active cluster defined in the cluster stack.

Each time you create, clone, import or switch a cluster, a change is done to the currently active cluster, and context is change to this new ative cluster.

The active cluster state is used every time a cluster name is required but not provided.

What to do next

sxcm verbs